"The greatest gift we can give others is our presence. When we are fully present, those around us bloom like flowers."

— Thich Nhat Hanh

On Receiving Guidance

When receiving guidance, it’s helpful to learn the means of accessing your own inner knowing. That’s part of our work, which brings Jesus’ teaching to mind; in essence, it’s better to teach you how to fish than provide a nice fish dinner. Through dialogue, introspection, and receptivity to what is channeled in the course of a session, you engage in a deeper level of inquiry, receiving tools to activate a deeper connection to Source.

"It is not enough to know that love and forgiveness are possible. We have to find ways to bring them to life. The truth is we are not yet free; we have merely activated the freedom to be free."

— Nelson Mandela

The Guides Speak to Us

We recognize that at times it may be difficult to let go of the old reality, perceived from the lens of separation consciousness; however, you have entered a new era and a new lifetime, even within the span of this one. You’ve crossed the threshold of separation into unity, into a new level of energy, frequency, and consciousness. Now you have the ability to see life for what it is.

"You have the ability to know yourself as pure Divinity: bathed in love, reclaimed in love, reframed in love—such that now you are nothing other than love itself."

— Adapted from Channeling the Sacred, by Jo Ann Levitt