Twenty-First Century Gospel of Jesus Christ
While on spiritual retreat in France, I received a download from my guides and an invitation to scribe a book whose subject crossed my mind like a banner at a football game; it was: The Twenty-first Century Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Never having channeled or done any kind of automatic writing before, this was all new to me and quite surprising. But from the first chapter to the last, there was hardly a pause in the process. Every morning new thoughts, insights, questions, and their responses came forth from Jesus and filled these pages.
The result is what you see here. To me, it is certainly “Good News,” which is how we generally translate the meaning of Gospel. However, the interesting thing to note (toward the end of this work) is that Christ wants us all to provide updates. He wants us all to share in the writing, the revelation, and the renewed experience of living the Gospels wholeheartedly. So this is the result for now. It seems to fit with 21st Century ideas and experience. And as he often said to his disciples, “Come and see.”